On September 5, 2014 the Globl Energy Parliament held its fifth international session on the Science of Peace in Humans and Humans in Peace in Geneva at the World Council of Churches, co-organizer of the event.
His Excellency the Ambassador of India to Switzerland, Mr. M.K. Lokesh, inaugurated the Parliament by appreciating the GEP’s work towards universal peace through a new definition of energy between human beings and in the world.
In the Invocation Address, His Holiness Swami Isa, GEP Founder, urged everyone to bridge the gap between objective science and subjective science through his I-Theory. He introduced the formula “I + 1 = C” which explains that the outer world and the inner world are both energy, and this is also equal to non-vibrating Consciousness or total happiness.
The science of the I-particle and its role in peace was presented by Dr. Christophe Dumas, of the Commission of Atomic & Alternative Energy, France, who showed how ‘peace’ can be mathematically explained through the I-particle vibration.
The 2014 award was presented to Amb. Sergey Batsanov, former Ambassador of Russia and current Director General of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Pugwash, for his long career in successful international peace negotiations, arms reduction, and dialogue.
The book entitled 'One is I, I is One' by Swami Isa and published by the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, was released by the Ambassador.
Prof. Ervin Laszlo, the founder of the Club of Budapest, attended the Inauguration by video conference and submitted a proposal for awakening the universal consciousness in his Keynote Address.
Father Prof. Daniel Buda of the World Council of Churches gave the Special Address and talked about WCC’s commitment to peace and justice.
The Motion of Thanks was moved by Dr. Veena Jha, Deputy Speaker and Director of Magus Consultancy, UK & Switzerland. Dr. Jha drew on her experience with the United Nations, energy, and global trade and acknowledged the contribution of Swami Isa’s ideas to these areas.
The Speaker of the Parliament Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose directed the proceedings of the session of Parliament, with assistance by Deputy Speaker Dr Veena Jha of WHO, GEP Germany Chairman Dr Folker Meissner and GEP France Chairman Dr Kiran Vyas. A number of members and Ministers made submissions, Call Attention Motions or responded to questions about how peace could be achieved in each of their sectors.
Amb. Sergey Batsanov of Pugwash Conferences for Science & World Affairs moved a Bill for ‘Protecting Humanity, Promoting Humanism through Education,’ which emphasized the need for education promote humanistic thought.
Throughout the day, many members including His Holiness Lama Gangchen of the International Association of Educators for World Peace and Dr. Folker Meissner also echoed his words that education must change in order for society to be more peaceful, tolerant and humanistic.
In his concluding remarks, Swami Isa emphasized that war begins because of the thought of ‘them’ and ‘us,’ which starts with improper education about the relationship between the internal world and external world. When the gap between object and subject is removed, then peaceful thoughts and actions will follow. The steps for practical implementation of humanistic education would be a universal curriculum of ‘Education for Total Consciousness.’ This educational system will educate students to remove the gap between the object and subject.
Members also discussed the role of inner peace in good health in submissions from various international experts including Dr. Swarup Sarkar of UNAIDS, Dr. Vinayak Prasad of WHO, Dr. Folker Meissner and Dr. Uwe Reuter, Integrative Medicine Experts from GEP Germany, Dr. Kiran Vyas of GEP France, Dr Krishna Bose of UNESCO and Dr. Yamuna Mundade of WHO. The complex social contexts of global epidemics like tobacco use and AIDS and the need for inclusive treatment of victims along with governmental support for cessation of tobacco and reduction of HIV infection were also addressed.
Dr. Joy Joseph, Professor of Business Studies from London, spoke about aspects of moving from war to peace, including in it financial peace and mental peace.
Vibhu Garg of WHO made a Call-Attention Motion about the role of gender in peace during the Women’s Parliament. Forms of gender violence and gender inequity can be stemmed through educating both men and women about inner peace.
Beatrice Bonin-Marceau of the Ithurria Foundation spoke about the role of disability in peace and what we can learn from the disabled for creating a harmonious society.
Lidija Pavic-Rogosic of ODRAZ Sustainable Development, Croatia said that sustainable development and peace are interrelated and indivisible, and that specific needs of communities must be addressed through collective efforts in order to attain sustainable peace.
Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian of France spoke about cold fusion as one possible energy approach that would contribute to a more peaceful society because it would not be dependent on non-renewable energy.
Maen Kaeden, a wind-technology engineer from Syria, also shared his ideas about harmony between humans and nature, and the link between the cruelty in human society and cruelty to animals.
Swami Isa also raised the need to think like a global citizen, rather than a national citizen. Swamiji proposed the institution a Global Citizenship to individuals and nations. Such a citizenship if received by many nations would work for a global identity, borderless-ness, non-competitiveness, and to remove small differences based only on the place of one’s birth or residence.
The day finished with a cultural programme of classical dance performed by the Indian Association of Geneva.