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Delegates of GEP2017 in the Kerala State's historical first Assembly Hall

Prof PJ Kurien and Shri Kadakampally Surendran light the inaugural lamp for GEP 2017

Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha (India's Upper House), Prof. P.J. Kurien, chairing the first session at GEP 2017

Hon. Speaker Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose with GEP Minister of Environment, Lady Carla Davis

Inaugural Function with Country Representatives at GEP 2017

Flag Ceremony at GEP 2017

Kerala's first Assembly Hall - venue of GEP 2017

Prime Minister of Sri Lanka with His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa at GEP 2016, Colombo

Dignitaries at the Inauguration of GEP 2016 at the residence of the Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Colombo

Hon. Prime Minister and Ministers of Sri Lanka, GEP Founder, GEP Prime Minister at Temple Trees, GEP 2016

Sir James Mancham, Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles, receiving the GEP Global Best Award

Audience of GEP 2016, Temple Trees

Presenting a gift to the Sri Lankan Navy at GEP 2016

Finale of GEP 2016 with the Sri Lankan Navy

V.K. Misra, Ambassador of India to Spain, inaugurating GEP 2015

GEP 2015 "The Art & Science of Governance" at the Fundacion Giner de los Rios, Madrid

Dr. Folker Meissner and Prof. Fernando Vallespin at GEP 2015, Madrid

Dignitaries at GEP 2015, Madrid

Sohini Moksha Dance Troupe at GEP 2015

M.K. Lokesh, Ambassador of India to Switzerland, inaugurates GEP 2014

His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, Founder of GEP

Fr. Daniel Buda at Inauguration of GEP 2014, World Council of Churches, Geneva

Amb. Sergey Batsanov receiving GEP Thematic Award for Peace

Members of GEP at the World Council of Churches, Geneva, GEP 2014

Inauguration of GEP 2013 at the Nehru Centre, Indian High Commission's Cultural Centre, London

Dignitaries at GEP 2013 on "Sustainable Economics"

GEP 2012 in Paris on Sound and the Living Universe

Inauguration of GEP 2012, Paris

GEP 2011 at the Dresden University of Technology, Germany

Exhibition at GEP 2011, Germany

His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, Founder of GEP, at first GEP

Dignitaries on the dias at GEP 2010

Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Hon Member of Indian Parliament, Chief Guest at GEP 2010

Dignitaries lighting inaugural lamp at GEP 2010

Dr. Masaru Emoto gives Inaugural Address at GEP 2010

Sir James Mancham, Lady Carla Davis, Dr Masaru Emoto and Dr Rahul Jindal at GEP 2010, Trivandrum

Pandit Ramesh Narayan performs at GEP 2010, Thiruvananthapuram