The GEP Research Centre (GEPRC) is a research and development organization founded by the Global Energy Parliament in 2011. Headquartered in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, the Research Centre supports an international network of researchers and projects.
GEPRC is on the global forefront of theoretical work on the science of energy (H.H. Swami Isa’s I Theory), and is contributing a number of innovations, models and technologies in various fields, including renewable energy, health and wellness, and a sustainable state model. Theoretical work includes projects in quantum physics, high energy physics, and cosmology.
GEPRC also conducts science awareness programmes in society to increase public knowledge of energy quality in all aspects of societies, from lifestyle to manufacturing processes.
The founding Director was the late Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus of Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management-Kerala and Former Scientist, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. The present Director of the GEPRC is Dr. Christophe Dumas from France, a specialist in energy and decarbonization management.
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Fundamental theories in physics describe the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles; two are the most commonly accepted: the Standard Model and General Relativity.
The Standard Model is able to describe three of the four fundamental forces: weak, strong and electromagnetic forces. Separately, General Relativity is able to describe the fourth, gravitational force.
But both theories are incomplete, as many phenomena are still unexplained by them. For example, the universe is expanding much faster than predicted, which implies the existence of a repelling energy that is now called Dark Energy. Additionally, galaxies rotate more quickly than the gravitational theory predicts, which implies the existence of an unknown and unseen matter, now called Dark Matter. This means that, in reality, only 5% of the universe has been observed or is known to science.
On the micro-scale, we can point to neutrino oscillation, which is not explained by the Standard Model and other many understated quantum phenomena like fractional Hall effect, the tunnel effect, etc.
Many theoretical physicists have developed alternative theories like String Theory, Grand Unification Theory, and Supersymmetry. Yet none of them have been proven, and they are still unable to describe all phenomena.
Through this research project, GEPRC is demonstrating that the I-Theory encompasses all major theories without any contradiction, and provides many additional answers through the introduction of the foundational particle constituting everything in the universe, the I-particle. The I-Theory can successfully unify scientific knowledge in an elegant, seamless way.
In 2019, GEPRC published an article entitled “I-Theory: A Unifying Theory?” in the peer- reviewed Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, which showed how the I-Theory is in accordance with all of the major theories while providing detailed answers to the unexplained phenomena.
Out of the many quantum theories, the Standard Model (SM) is the most commonly accepted. SM proposes that bosons and fermions are elementary particles. Fermions interact through force particles (bosons), and can assemble themselves to form hadrons and atoms. Nevertheless, the SM is incomplete and many scientists are trying to search beyond it for a greater understanding of elementary particles.
Some scientists like Nobel physics laureate Franck Wilczek are investigating a hypothetical substructure of the electron in order to explain the quantum fraction Hall effect. In the I-Theory, the elementary particles are not elementary but made of I-particles. Since I-particles are electrically polarized, they can be in a state of repulsion or attraction. The level of attraction defines the five elements (Space, Air, Fire, Liquid, Solid). Each element can be in a pure or in a mixture form and is further classified into a causal, subtle or gross type.
The research we have conducted shows that each elementary particle is made of the five elements. We have demonstrated that the number of quanta follows a linear law. From that law we can find the mass of each elementary particle. In short, this implies that the elementary particles are not elementary, but rather composed of quanta of energy.
This result is fundamental to our work because it validates the I-Theory on the quantum plane. It is highly significant to the scientific community because it gives a deeper insight into the SM at the same time that it predicts new particles and their respective masses.
The results will be also very useful in quantum applications like quantum computing, energy production, etc.
We also propose an extended periodic table of the elements taking into account all particles from the I-particle to elementary particles to hadrons and atoms. This new periodic table uses a classification of particles according to the level of attraction (i.e., the five elements). The new table gives a better overview and a better understanding about the particles, their interactions and their composition.
An article entitled “The substructure of elementary particles demonstrated by the I-Theory” has been submitted to a peer reviewed journal.
General Relativity has been successfully proven in many ways, and one of the most famous examples is regarding the prediction of gravitational waves. These waves were theorized by Einstein in 1916 and observed for the first time in 2015 by the LIGO detector.
Einstein believed that space-time is a field which is curved by the gravitational force. But he didn’t explain from what this field is made.
This project is currently trying to prove gravitational waves through the I-Theory. Once we prove that the I-Theory is able to describe the weak, strong and electromagnetic forces, we will be able to claim that the I-particle is the source of the four fundamental forces.
This research is also very important because gravity is the least understood force by contemporary physics. Having a better understanding of it, we will be able to create an anti-gravity system.
"I-Theory: A Unifying Quantum Theory?" by H.H. Swami Isa and Christophe Dumas, published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (2019)
“An analysis of SARS-CoV-2 on the molecular and subatomic levels through applied I-Theory” by H.H. Swami Isa and Christophe Dumas, published in Advances in Microbiology (2021)
"Entropy and Negentropy Principles in the I-Theory" by H.H. Swami Isa and Christophe Dumas, published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (2020)
Energy production is a key factor of a prosperous society, and the use of energy is related to almost every aspect of a society. Economy, health, nutrition, infrastructure, education and even life expectancy are related to the consumption of energy per capita. At the same time, the main source of energy is fossil fuels, which are not renewable, produce air pollution and contribute to global warming.
As the research wing of the GEP, GEPRC has a mandate to develop clean, renewable energy technology that uses the I-Theory to ensure a more prosperous, healthy and harmonious future for the world. Our technology is based on the balance between Red, White and Black Matter. This balanced state ensures the sustainability and the non-harmfulness of this form of energy production.
Electricity Production from Sound Energy
In collaboration with the Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA) – Government of France, the GEP is developing a device to efficiently convert sound energy into electricity.
The device uses sound and nanomaterials as semiconductors to efficiently produce electricity, and the design is based on the I-Theory. A resonator has been designed on the model of the I-particle which is the natural shape of a quantum of energy. The sound is composed of three frequencies corresponding to Red, Black and White Matter. Resonance amplifies the sound, and this energy initiates an electrolytic reaction. Free electrons from the chemical reaction are harvested.
An international patent has been granted.
Energy Production from Resonant Plasma
In nature, plasma is a specific state where repelling energy is dominating. In this state, all atoms are ionized. A well-known form of plasma is the lightning that occurs during a storm.
The GEPRC has developed a device reproducing resonant lightning that converts the energy plasma into electricity.
The principle is based on an electrical resonant circuit. The resonance creates an overvoltage and overcurrent amplifying the lightning.
The free electrons in the plasma are harvested by a collector and an electric conversion system is used for electrical consumption.
The GEPRC owns a patent for this device.
Energy Production from Quantum Particles
As Einstein shows with his famous equation E=mc², there is an equivalence between mass and energy. Energy can be released at different levels. Usually, we are using molecular energy. Energy is released by breaking or assembling molecules. For example, the combustion of fossil fuel breaks the molecule through a chemical reaction that releases heat. Another way is by releasing the energy at the atomic level—the concept behind nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. In nuclear fission, an atom is shot by a neutron and with the impact it is broken, releasing subatomic particles and a huge quantity of energy.
Using the I-Theory, we have demonstrated that the elementary particles are not elementary but made of repulsion and attraction quanta (refer to the I-Theory section). The objective of this project is to release the energy of these quanta. Toward that end, we are developing quantum applications based on the I-Theory.
Efficacy of the ‘Education for Total Consciousness’ System
Since 1998, the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam school in Anayara, Trivandrum has served as a laboratory for analyzing the outcomes of Swami Isa’s teaching methodology by the name of ‘Education for Total Consciousness.’
Education for Total Consciousness is a holistic system of education that cultivates the knowledge and skills to be a well-rounded, flourishing and ‘humane being’.
Teachers use a specialized teaching style that develops knowledge of the subject-object (i.e., outer-inner) relationship. Through this method, higher thought processes take place in the learner, who is brought to understand that everything in the universe also exists inside of themselves. This realization helps them to realize that what is harmful to society and the universe will do harm to them also. It ultimately instills in them a positive way of life that involves the love of humanity and the need to balance one’s self, one’s environment, one’s society, the world and the universe.
The way of learning is joyful, creative, always fresh, and personalized for each individual student. Each student has different talents and skills, and through observation of their physical, intellectual, emotional abilities, as well as their ego, knowledge and ignorance, each learner develops their best potentials.
In this project, we have analyzed all the recorded data in order to scientifically validate the benefits of the ETC methodology. This validation was the base of GEP’s Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness (2021).
Origin and level of imbalance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
In 2020, the world faced the Covid-19 crisis, and as GEPRC’s mandate is to research solutions to global crises using the I-Theory, we started immediately to try to understand the virus.
Applying the I-Theory, we were able to better understand the SARS-CoV-2 virus' actions and structure, especially at the subatomic level. We demonstrated that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not a natural virus, but a manmade virus. We showed that protons had been added in the virus through genetic modification, which increases the Black Matter presence and creates a significant imbalance with the White Matter.
We published an article entitled “An analysis of SARS-CoV-2 on the molecular and subatomic levels through applied I-Theory.” in the February 2021 issue of Advances in Microbiology, a peer-reviewed journal. The article illustrated the probable reasons why the virus is so destructive, and suggested new areas of research to overcome the pandemic. We also analyzed the mutations of the Delta variant in order to define a new treatment.
Medicine is focused on the molecular level, but the subatomic level contains a greater amount of energy. The subatomic analysis of virus is something presently below the radar of medical science, yet urgently in need of being understood.
GEP communicated with governments around the world about research on the Covid-19 virus and its origins, as well as suggestions for how to minimize the social and economic impacts of the pandemic.
Recommendations developed at the session of parliament were also communicated to governments.
New Technologies for Equilibrating Positive and Negative Energies
This project aims at preparing new technologies and devices for equilibrating positive and negative energies for world peace and prosperity.
A prerequisite for the sustainability of any system, including the Earth itself, is the equilibration of energy. White, Red and Black Matter should be maintained in the proportion of 50% White, 30% Red and 20% Black, which are the proportions of the matters in the I-particle. These matters differ by their frequencies.
Following the makeup of the universe as described in the I-Theory, investigations have been conducted to learn more about how to assess and balance these three frequencies.
We will be able to observe the influence of positive and negative energies and how they affect human beings and the universe. With this new understanding, we hope to be able to predict natural disasters, prevent the worst kind of manmade disasters by contributing the knowledge that is able to create peace for mankind and the greater universe.
The A1 Detector
The difference between a living being and a non-living being is a mystery to most contemporary science. The ‘soul’ described by religions is not observed by science. In ancient traditions, this living force was known as ‘life energy’ or ‘prana’.
In the I-Theory, the Pure Subtle Air particle (or A1 particle) is the vehicle of prana; prana flows through a medium with the help of the A1 particle. This project aims to develop a device able to detect the A1 particle.
The important aspect of the A1 detector is that life energy is common to all living beings. Therefore, it can be applied not only to human beings but also to animals, plants, and the planet. This technology has enormous potential to create positive changes when we will be able to assess how our life energy is affected by what we eat, what is in our environment, and where and how we live.
Study of the Practice of the “Life for Total Consciousness” Yoga-Meditation Technique
GEP Centres conduct Life for Total Consciousness yoga-meditation classes in various environments like universities, prisons, schools, slums, for refugees, etc. Students with very different backgrounds have shown positive physical, mental and intellectual changes, such as better concentration, feeling greater happiness, and finding inner peace, despite their different conditions.
The goal of this study is to objectively measure what is happening inside the human system when practicing the Life for Total Consciousness yoga-meditation practice. Data in this area will allow science to have a greater understanding of the immense transformations that may be affected on the physical, emotional, intellectual, ego and ignorance planes in the individual.
Sustainable State Model
After the floods in Kerala in 2018, the Global Energy Parliament formed an international consortium of scientists and researchers to study the last 100 years of development and land usage in Kerala and apply GEP’s innovative concepts of energy balance. The outcome was a Sustainable State Model.
Although the first Model is specific to Kerala, it is replicable anywhere in the world.
In I-Theory, the balance state is reached with a proportion of 50% White Matter, 30% Red Matter, 20% Black Matter. The quality of energy of a land depends on its use. Wild land is White Matter domination (positive energy); agriculture is Red Matter domination (neutral energy); human living places is Black Matter domination (negative energy).
We have found that Kerala State is strongly imbalanced due to the agriculture share. Currently, agriculture occupies 68% of the State’s land, and is projected to increase. We suggested measures to be taken for redistributing the land that will not negatively, but rather positively, impact agriculture in the state, and also make the human living areas less harmful. For example, we recommended that forest cover along the coastline should be increased and buildings should gradually shift away from the coastline. More fruit-bearing trees should be planted in urban areas and along roads and highways. Also, the areas for Government, education, housing, and industries should be consolidated in the State.
This model and their associated recommendation were presented to the Govt. of Kerala. Tourism Minister Kadakampally Surendran praised it and said, "Once the Remoulding Kerala Sustainable State Model is implemented, Kerala can be positioned as a global leader for sustainable living." He gave all his support to the concept.
Assessing and Curing the ‘Social Diseases’ of Crime and Social Delinquency
This project takes a serious look at criminal justice and offers a new solution to criminal reform using energy assessments.
Currently, imprisonment is the only method of dealing with crime; primarily, it is a punishment and secondarily a deterrence. As far as the claim that prison is a means of character reform, the system shows its limits when prisoners who have served their sentence are unable to integrate well back into society and/or become repeat offenders.
Society’s responsibility does not end with mere punishment. Criminality should be understood as a ‘social disease’ which can be cured with the right diagnosis and most appropriate treatment. As such convicted criminals who undergo right treatment would be able to return to society as better, healthier and more humane people.
Toward this end, we are working on devices that can measure the quality of the energy present in the convict as well as in their environment.
Lawyers would behave like nurses, understanding and explaining the offender’s situation, environment and personality, so that the judges can review the scientific data and prescribe the most suitable treatment for the individual, like social doctors.
This approach to criminal reform would include time in prison but would also emphasize personalized psychological and physical care, training in individualized prevention techniques, dialogue and support, to help offenders make a positive change.
The Director
Global Energy Parliament Research Centre
Postal Address: Kadakampally Road, Anayara P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695029 INDIA
Email: dumas(at)global-energy-parliament(dot)net