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The first session of the Global Energy Parliament brought together an eminent and diverse group of specialists from five continents who sought information about the veracity of a radical new idea: that a theory on energy could be the answer to everything. The charitable organization, the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, founded by His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa had invited them to India for this purpose – to discuss the science of energy, what it has to offer to the world, and also the content of our responsibility once we have this knowledge.
The vision for the Parliament was initiated by His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, who had been teaching about the science of energy for the past 20 years, and by 2000 started to form small groups at schools, colleges, and centres in the local area around Trivandrum. Presence grew to include a chapter in Chennai in 2007, and national centres in France, Germany and Australia by 2009.
The Parliament was inaugurated on November 12th, 2010 at the Mascot Hotel, Trivandrum, followed by three full days of sessions. Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan, a scientist and bestselling author of Messages from Water inaugurated the Global Energy Parliament. In his address, Dr. Emoto said that “Water can memorize information as an energy, so let us strengthen its purity…The potential energy resource has been increased, but it has not been activated. What do we need to activate it? Education.”
Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Member of Indian Parliament and former Under-Secretary-General for the United Nations, was the Chief Guest. He hailed the vision of the event, saying "This first meet of the GEP is indeed a path-breaking event, it is both idealistic and courageous. It is courageous to come up with such a notion that can actually inspire people into looking at the entire order of the universe in a different way. It is gratifying to note that this meet focuses on a very practical objective, that of bringing into existence a permanent, international parliamentary body… It's an extraordinary task you have set for yourselves, and I want to wish you all the best in your deliberations as you get there."
A leading global figure for world peace, Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles His Excellency Sir James Mancham was the Guest of Honour. He said, “It appears that humans do not observe the world in an independent manner, but are constantly taking part in its evolution through actions, thoughts, and emotions in the same way that one is influenced by his environment... As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, ‘You must be the change you want to see in this world’… Mr. Chairman, for the idea of the Global Energy Parliament, the time has come.”
The Minister of Environment and Forests for Kerala State, Shri. Binoy Vishwam said “the unending urge for learning, unending thirst for knowledge—that is the one fact that has promoted India to the heights of the world... I believe that this Energy Parliament also is trying to put across our understanding, our way of learning, our way of diversified learning. This is the spirit of India and that spirit is to be upheld."
A number of other dignitaries also spoke at the inaugural function including Lady Carla Davis, a university executive who represented Australia, medical doctor Dr. Uwe Reuter and professor Dr. Klaus Volkamer from Germany, Advocate Julien Gueguen-Carroll from France, psychologist Dr. Lyndsay Baines from the UK, surgeon Dr. Rahul M. Jindal from the US, and professor Dr. Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay from New Zealand. From India were GEP Founder His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, Shri. Ramesh Chennithala, President of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, GEP Chairman Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, GEP Science Director Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, GEP Secretary Dr. M.R. Thampan, Shri. R. Hali and Shri. K. Sugunan.
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It was the first day of the event that Swami Isa shared his theory of everything ‘the I-Theorem’ (later renamed as ‘the I-Theory’). In his Invocation Address, Swami Isa built a beautiful argument, demonstrating step by step that energy is the basis of all matter and connects everything. Beginning from a person, each known structure inside of us has a substructure (organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, DNA, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles), and all of this is vibrating. In the world around us too, the same is taking place, from smaller to larger units (person, community, population, biosphere, planet, solar system, galaxy, galaxy group, supercluster, galaxy filament, universe).
Swamiji then argued that subatomic particles are not the finest or most fundamental units of the self and the universe, that inside these are also a series of much subtler layers of the five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space) until finally we reach the single unit which makes up all of this, one unit or ‘leg’ of vibration that he called a ‘vit’ (later renamed as the I-particle).
The I-particle, Swamiij said, is a vibration that has three frequencies and densities. When it is at high frequency with greatest density, it is called Black matter. When it is at the middle level it is called Red matter. When it is at the lowest frequency and most transparency, it is called “the white glorious plane of energy,” or White matter.
“These three planes exist in Consciousness that is not matter and is free from vibration. Vibration and the Universe, which is created by this vibration, originate, exist and merge in Consciousness,” Swami Isa said.
“Be it man, animal, plant or the moon—there is nothing that is not vibration. Vibration is the same, but there is variation in the rhythm and form. Any object can become positive or negative depending upon the quality of vibration… Each vibration has its negative and positive aspect; the good and bad quality of an object is determined by the number and arrangement of I-particles in it.”
And thus Swami Isa introduced the idea of the quality of energy, which has until this point been unheard of in science. Conventional scientists will usually tell you that energy only has a quantity but not quality.
But Swami Isa said that “the individual and the world must be saved from the devastation caused by negative energy, and only a science that can understand and harmonise the realm of energy can find solutions. This is the need of the hour. A new generation must grow up with this awareness.”
Understanding the qualities of energy and the characteristics and combinations of I-particles and will enable us to get at root solutions to problems and resolve many of the deeper mysteries that have plagued science for decades. This is Swami Isa’s vision of the Global Energy Parliament and a call to action for all the delegates gathered there.
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Hundreds of delegates hailing from scientific and cultural institutions, NGOs, state colleges, schools, and the media attended the event. 77 scientists, scholars, students and leaders of public opinion made presentations in various thematic sessions followed by intense discussions on this new science of energy. (The comprehensive list of disciplines includes Chemistry, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Nuclear/Defense, Natural Energy Sources, Traditional, Alternative and Allopathic Medicine, Anthropology & Behavioral Sciences, Philosophy, Arts & Music, Social Service, Agriculture, Industry, Architecture, Engineering, Banking, Economics, Sustainable Development, Forestry Sciences, Plant & Soil Sciences, Biology/Biophysics, Biotechnology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, Justice, Law, Law & Order, Political Science, Human Rights, Education, Media, Language, Information and Communication Technology.) Chairman Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair was instrumental in bringing continuity and academic rigour into the discussions.
The second day was inaugurated by Shri. Kadanapally Ramachandran, the Minister for Devaswom, Stationery and Printing, Govt of Kerala.
The third day was devoted to implementation of the new idea of energy, in a session devoted to education. The ‘Students’ Global Energy Parliament’ was inaugurated by the erstwhile king of Travancore His Highness Padmanabhadasa Uthradom Thirunal Marthanda Varma, who said that “There is no art without science, and no science without art. Everything is one, and one is everything… Through this all-world, global attempt, there is the need to understand ourselves so you can understand others." Students presented their ideas about the new science of energy and its relevance to their own lives, to education and to the world at large.
At the conclusion of three days, the I-Theorem was wholeheartedly accepted by the assembly which resolved to make it the theoretical basis for a new international body, the Global Energy Parliament. A Trivandrum Declaration was drawn up by the Founding President of Seychelles, Sir James Mancham, and all members signed it. Prof. P.J. Kurien, Member of Indian Parliament and former science professor, bore witness to the new Parliament and the signing of the Trivandrum Declaration.
“The Vedas, the Puranas, [say that] in the beginning was the ‘Om’," said Prof. Kurien. "What is ‘Om’? It is sound…vibration…an energy. What does the Bible say? ‘In the beginning was the Word.’ Both are saying same…this is a point science could not explain… Science has only been able to explain up to the existence of matter and energy, but beyond that [to the source of it], science fails. Some people say, foolishly, it ends there.”
Shri. N. Peethambara Kurup, Member of Parliament, was the Chief Guest at the valedictory function. At the valedictory function, each delegate and speaker present was given membership in the Parliament. Ten resolutions were agreed upon:
1. To work to develop human thought through a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between internal and external energy;
2. To promote and develop scientific research on energy;
3. To advocate for legislation and problem-solving strategies based on the science of energy;
4. To create public awareness about energy balance, and programmes to allow individuals to realise its benefits;
5. To advocate for the development instruments and technologies which can detect energy at its most foundational level, namely, the “I particle”;
6. To move decision-makers, nations, leaders and politicians to use this knowledge for a sustainable society and world;
7. To work with all sectors of society toward the ultimate aim of equilibrating the positive and negative energies, bringing about a vibrant and harmonious future, and establishing a world scintillating with justice, peace, equity, happiness, prosperity and welfare;
8. To hold sessions at least once a year in a different country to discuss important global issues in the context of energy;
9. To establish National, Regional and Local Energy parliaments in every country;
10. To provide membership to anyone wishing to take part and who can abide by the principles of conduct, namely: Selflessness, Integrity, Scientific Ideals, and Leadership.
Furthermore, the body resolved that distinguished experts are to be appointed to the Cabinet of the GEP. Portfolios shall include: Administration, Agriculture, Commerce & Industry, Communications, Culture, Defense, Development, Education, Environment, Finance & Economy, Health, Human Services, Labour & Social Affairs, Law & Justice, Power, Research, Science & Technology, Sports, State Affairs & Diplomacy, Transportation, Water & Natural Resources, Youth Affairs.
Recommendations from each discipline shall be made to the respective Ministry of the Government of India as well as international bodies like the United Nations.
It was decided to hold the next meeting of the GEP in 2011 in Germany.
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The 'GEP Energy Award' for excellence and innovations in energy-based research or work, was given to Prof. K.K. Vasu, Engineer, Electrical Design Centre, for his innovative inventions in wave energy. The Award was presented by Prof. P.J. Kurien, MP.
A book entitled Education for Total Consciousness by Swami Isa was released at the Valedictory Function by Shri. M.M. Hassan, a former Minister of Kerala.
An exhibition was erected to showcase the latest technologies especially in green technology, energy and human communication.
A beautiful cultural programme concluded the Global Energy Parliament on the 14th of November. The renowned Hindustani vocalist, Shri. Ramesh Narayan, enthralled the audience with hours of devotional music. Students and teachers of the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam, run under the guidance of HH Swami Isa, put on an enthralling display of dance choreographed upon the theme of the I-Theorem, showing the creation of the universe from the first vibration, to the delight of the entire gathering.
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Prayer: | Students, Isa Viswa Vidyalayam |
Welcome: | Dr. M.R. Thampan, GEP Secretary and Former Director, State Institute of Languages, Kerala |
Chair: | Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, GEP Chairman and Former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala |
Inaugural Address: | Dr. Masaru Emoto, President Emeritus, International Water for Life Foundation, Japan |
Chief Guest: | Shri. Shashi Tharoor, Member of IndianParliament and Former Minister of State for External Affairs |
Guest of Honour: | Sir James Mancham, KBE, Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles |
Keynote Addresses: | Shri. Binoy Vishwam, Hon’ble Minister, Environment and Forests, Govt of Kerala |
Shri. Ramesh Chennithala, President, Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee | |
Invocation: | H.H. Swami Isa, Founder, Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust |
Scientific Perspective: | Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management – Kerala |
Felicitation Addresses: | Lady Carla Davis, University Executive and Health Educator, Australia |
Shri. R. Hali, Former Director, Dept of Agriculture, Govt of Kerala | |
Dr. Rahul M. Jindal, Transplant Surgeon, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, United States | |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Volkamer, Chemist and Independent Researcher, Germany | |
Dr. Lyndsay Baines, Psychologist, United Kingdom | |
Julien Gueguen-Carroll, Founder, G.C. Advocates, France | |
Dr. Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor, Massey University, New Zealand | |
Dr. Uwe Reuter, Medical Director, “Im Leben” Clinic, Germany | |
Vote of Thanks: | Shri. K. Sugunan, Additional Secretary, Dept of Finance, Govt of Kerala |
Chair: | Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, Former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala |
National Chair: | Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus, IIITMK and Former Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
Keynote Address: | Dr. Masaru Emoto, President Emeritus, International Water for Life Foundation, Japan |
Special Address (Subjective Chemistry Chair): | Prof. Dr. Klaus Volkamer, Independent Researcher—Germany, and Former Professor of Chemistry, Maharishi University—United States |
Paper Presentations: | Dr. A.M. Mathai, Emeritus Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Canada |
Shri. P.P. Vijayan, Director, Lifeline Foundation, India | |
Dr. D. Datta, Scientific Officer and Head, CRPS, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India | |
Prof. Debabrata Paul, Professor, Engineering Institute and Consultant for Renewable Energy, Kolkata, India | |
Dr. M.K. Prabhakaran Nair, Former Head of the Department of Physics, University College, Trivandrum, India | |
Shri. Premachandra ITS, Chief General Manager Telecom, BSNL Trivandrum, India |
Inauguration: | Shri. Kadanapally Ramachandran, Hon’ble Minister for Devaswom, Govt of Kerala |
Chair: | Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, Former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala |
International Chair: | Dr. Rahul M. Jindal, Transplant Surgeon, Dept of Organ Transplantation, Walter Reed Army Medical Centre, Washington D.C.—United States |
National President (Medicine): | Dr. Tapas Kumar Bose, Professor and Head, Forensic Medicine, NRS Medical College, Calcutta |
Paper Presentations: | Dr. Uwe Reuter, Medical Director, “Im Leben” Clinic, Germany |
Dr. Lyndsay Baines, Psychologist, Walter Reed Army Medical Centre, Washington D.C.—United States | |
Dr. V. Jeyapal, Cardiologist and Director, Hridayalaya Hospital, Trivandrum, India | |
Shri. Chandrashekaran Nair, Former National Director of Scouts, Headquarters, New Delhi, India | |
Dr. Babu Suseelan, Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Kerala, India | |
Dr. Joy Philip, Principal, SUT Medical College, India | |
Dr. Syamakrishnan for Dr. Muralidharan, Principal of Ayurveda College, Coimbatore, India |
Chair: | Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus, IIITMK and Former Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
International Chair: | Shri. K.R.S. Krishnan, Executive Director, HLL |
National Chair (Sustainable Development): | Dr. K. Ravi, Former Advisor for Sustainable Development, Commonwealth Secretariat |
Special Addresses: | Shri. G. Sankar, Founder, Habitat Technology Group, India |
Shri. Swapnesh Kumar Malhotra, Head of Public Awareness, Dept of Atomic Energy, India | |
National President (Engineering): | Dr. Gauri Shankar Mukherjee, Joint Director, G-Fast, Defence Research & Development Organization, India |
Paper Presentations: | Dr. Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Sensors Council, New Zealand |
Dr. R.V. Jayapadma, Regional Director, Women’s Institute for Sustainable Energy Research, Energy Management Centre, Trivandrum | |
Shri. V. Devarajan, Former Director, FACT-Cochin |
Chair: | Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus, IIITMK and Former Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
International Chair: | Lady Carla Davis, University Executive Health Writer/Researcher/Educator—Australia |
National Chair (Biotechnology): | Prof. P. Pushpangadan, Director General, Amity Institute for Herbal and Biotech Products Development, Former Director, Botanical Research Centre, India |
National President (Zoology) | Prof. B.N. Pandey, Retd. Dean, HOD (Zoology) and Prof & Head, Faculty of Science, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India |
Paper Presentations: | Dr. M.G. Sasibhoosan, Author, Historian, and Former Director of Kerala Bhasha Institute, Trivandrum |
Dr. P.S. Anil Kumar, Senior Scientist, Geographical Survey of India | |
Prof. K.K. Vasu, Engineer, Electrical Design Centre, Trivandrum | |
Prof. V. Rajendra Babu, Head of Civil Engineering Dept, Heera College of Engineering, Trivandrum |
Chair: | Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus, IIITMK and Former Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
Keynote Address: | Sir James R. Mancham, Founding President, Republic of Seychelles |
International President: | Julien Gueguen-Carroll, Advocate, Chairman and Founder, GC Avocats, France |
Chair: | Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, Former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India |
National President (ICT) | Dr. Shradda V. Ingale, Visiting Scientist at BARC and Co-ordinator for Post PG Diploma in Industrial Mathematics, New Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Ahmednagar, India |
Paper Presentations: | Prof. V.P.N. Nampoori, Former Dean, Cochin University of Science and Technology |
Shri. Jyothishankar, General Manager, BSNL, India | |
Dr. Venugopal Reddy, Physician and Life Skills Expert, Pansight, New York, USA | |
Shri. N.T. Nair, Editor, Executive Knowledge Lines Monthly, India | |
Prof. Hanmanth Rao Gongle, Vice Principal, Gurumatkal, India | |
Dr. R. Syama, Reader in Malayalam, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, India |
Inaugural Function
Inauguration: | His Highness Padmanabhadasa Uthradom Thirunal Marthanda Varma Maharaja of Travancore |
Invocation: | His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, Founder of the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust |
GEP Vision Dedication and | |
Presentation of Energy Award: | Shri. P.J. Kurien, Member of Indian Parliament |
Guest of Honour: | Lady Carla Davis, Executive, South Seas University, Australia |
Release of Book: | Shri. M.M. Hassan, Former Minister of Kerala State |
Vote of Thanks: | Dr. P.S. Anil Kumar, Senior Scientist, Geological Survey of India |
Moderators: | Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus, IIITMK |
Dr. V. Unnikrishnan Nayar, Professor of Optoelectronics and Former Dean of Faculty, University of Kerala | |
Dr. P.S. Anil Kumar, Senior Scientist, Geological Survey of India | |
Student Paper Presentations: | Arpana Krishnaraj, University of Kerala |
Aswin A., Manipal University, MSc Candidate | |
Thusha, Isa Viswa Vidyalayam | |
M.G. Midhun, U. Inst. of Technology, NTA | |
Arjun Ramesh, U. Inst. of Technology, NTA | |
Niranjana S., Sarvodaya Vidyalaya | |
Prince J., U. Inst. of Technology, NTA | |
Kiren Dev. R., U. Inst. of Technology, NTA | |
Stephy J. George, Technical Institute | |
Murali Krishna Bhatt D., U. Inst. of Technology, NTA | |
Akhil S., Technical Institute | |
Akamsha, Isa Viswa Vidyalayam | |
Arjun S. | |
Vishnu S.L., Technical Institute | |
Deepika M.K. |
Prayer: | Students, Isa Viswa Vidyalayam |
Welcome: | Dr. M.R. Thampan, GEP Secretary |
Chair: | Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, GEP Chairman and Former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala |
Invocation: | His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa |
Introductory Remarks: | Shri. P.P. Mukundan, Political Leader |
Chief Guest: | Shri. N. Peethambara Kurup, Member of Parliament |
Felicitations: | Clara Cressy, Coordinator, GEP France |
Antje Hartmann, Coordinator, GEP Germany | |
Shri. Gopa Kumar, Former Counsellor, Anayara | |
Dr. K. Prassanna Moorthy, Professor and Head, Dept. of Skin & VD, SUT Medical College of Medicine | |
Dr. Sunil Raj, Physician, Gokulam Hospital | |
Vote of Thanks: | Dr. C.S.P. Iyer, Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Kerala |