What Is Thought?


How can we better understand thought?  Here is a summary of our previous work in this area, which will be expounded upon in GEP 2024.

1. Thoughts as Electromagnetic Waves

GEP Founder Swami Isa’s theory of everything, the I-Theory, offers a deep and insightful understanding of thoughts as electromagnetic waves, which not only influence the mind but extend their impact to the entire universe.

Thoughts are composed of two key components: an electrical field and a magnetic field. The electrical field represents information, which is binary and stable, aligning with the intellect, while the magnetic field represents emotions, which are dynamic chemical reactions formed in the mind. The electrical field of the intellect added to the magnetic field of the mind becomes the pranic energy field. This electromagnetic interaction forms the basis of human thought, influencing both the internal and external world.

(Refer to The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness (2021) and Science and Faith (2023))


2. Interaction Between Thought, Emotions, and the “I-Particle”

Thoughts generate emotions, and emotions, in turn, generate new thoughts, creating a continuous feedback loop. At the core of this process is the I-particle, the fundamental unit of thought in the I-Theory. The I-particle vibrates at three distinct frequencies, with the middle frequency representing gravity. If gravity increases, it forms a magnetic field, and if gravity decreases, it forms an electrical field. The first thought arises from the I-particle, initiating the process of thinking and the interaction between thought, emotion, and prana.

(Refer to The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness (2021))


3. Light and Consciousness in Perception

Swami Isa also explains the crucial role of light in the manifestation of thought. Thoughts arise very quickly, but occasionally the gap between them can be perceived. This is the immortal light of Consciousness.

In order to see anything external to us, first we need the light of Consciousness within us. Lack of light within also causes partial and confused understanding of objects outside. The movement of thoughts obscures the light of Consciousness. The greater the density of thought, the more opaquely it covers Consciousness.

When thoughts reduce, the light of Consciousness shines forth more, allowing for more clarity of thought and insight into both the inner and outer worlds.


4. Machine Thinking

Machines do not have prana, nor the multiple subtle states of awareness that humans have. A human being has highly refined gross (i.e., physical), subtle and causal systems based on a complex bio-genetic code (i.e., DNA).  Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, has only a binary code, which is devoid of life. While AI has superior processing and analytical abilities, it has no capacity for feeling emotions or self-awareness. It is not, and can never be, a replacement for human contributions to a healthy and happy society, environment and world.

(Refer to Humane Digitalization (2022))


5. Thoughts as Creative Forces

The I-Theory teaches us that everything is energy, composed of the electromagnetic waves of the I-particle. Thoughts as electromagnetic waves are creative forces that shape reality. Their energy fields affect and resonate with other electromagnetic fields. And thus thought has the power to influence emotion, health, social behaviors, and also the collective energy field of society. This is why cultivating positive, focused thoughts is crucial—not just for personal transformation, but for societal harmony and peace.

(Refer to Humans in Peace, Peace in Humans (2015), The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness (2021))


For a deeper understanding of Swami Isa's explanation of the nature and composition of thoughts, watch the video below.