
Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Opens GEP 2016
12 December 2016
The 7th Global Energy Parliament was inaugurated by the Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe. About 500 people attended the event on December 11 at the Banquet Hall of his residence, Temple Trees, Colombo.

The Hon. Prime Minister expressed a warm appreciation of the GEP’s vision of world harmony through energy balance, and also emphasized that “If we want to achieve development, we need to maintain environmental, habitat, religious and ethnic harmony.”

H.E. Sir James Mancham, the Founding President of Seychelles, GEP Founder His Holiness Swami Isa, Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Thero, the President of the Mahabodhi Society of Sri Lanka, Ven. Ittepane Dhammalankara Maha Nayaka Thero, a chief Sri Lankan Buddhist leader, Rev. Ebenezer Joseph, the General Secretary of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, GEP Chairman Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, the Former Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University-Kottayam also participated in the Inaugural Function.

In his Founder’s Address, His Holiness Swami Isa said, “Without knowing what it means to be human, without knowing the science of energy flows in habitat, we cannot achieve any lasting harmony—in home, society, nation or world. This is our work today.”

Sir James Mancham also received from the Prime Minister the GEP Lifetime Achievement Award at the function. (See full story here) Two books by His Holiness Swami Isa were also released at the function: “Education for Total Consciousness,” published by IVPT, and “Saphalamee Atmeeye Yatra (Fulfillment of the Divine Journey),” published by the Kerala Bhasha Institute.

This 7th session of Global Energy Parliament was conducted on the theme, “Habitat Harmony,” following the UN Habitat III conference in Quito.

The Inauguration preceded the session of parliament in which members and ministers from all sectors of society, discussed and forwarded Resolutions for a holistic, scientific and rational solutions for creating global harmony in habitat.

Sir James Mancham sat as the Prime Minister, and His Holiness Swami Isa also forwarded several unique proposals for habitat harmony, including suggested legislation in environment and building construction.

Architect Kirtee Shah forwarded the Habitat Harmony Bill, while submissions were made by many other national and international figures including Architect G. Shankar, Architect Alain Moatti, Dr. Reza Chowdhury, Dr. Christophe Dumas, Upulangi Malagamuwa, Prof. Ariyaratne, Mervyn Macallugh, Kamal Amaraweera, Dr. Pradeep Joethi, Dr. Kularatne, Dr Joy Joseph, Sarah Arumugam, Julie Cox, Dr. Punchihewa Meegahawatta, Dr. M.R. Thampan, Shiral Lakthilaka, Ranjith Pathmasiri, Hemeakumara Nanayakkara, Dr. Ravindra Galhena, Shoaib Khan, and Modi Umang.

The parliament concluded with a dazzling Cultural Performance by the Sri Lankan Navy, featuring 171 artists.

The Global Energy Parliament was conceived by His Holiness Swami Isa as an international assembly of volunteers who have a right and a responsibility to the world. GEP is organised by the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust (holding Consultative Status to the United Nations ECOSOC) and this event was co-organized the Interfaith Coalition for Peace of Sri Lanka. Additional support was received from the UNESCO’s World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), EHRT Maschinenbau and Personal-Point.

We wish to thank Ven. Banagala Thero for his wonderful leadership chairing the Organizing Committee in Sri Lanka, Rev. Ebenezer Joseph, Mr. Jayaratne Ruberu, Ms. Ambapali Sikurajapathi, Mr. Gunasekera Hemakumara and others on the Committee, and Mr. Chanaka.