
Governor of West Bengal Inaugurates GEP 2023
29 November 2023

The first day of Global Energy Parliament 2023 was formally inaugurated by His Excellency Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose, the Hon'ble Governor of West Bengal, at the Raj Bhavan. The theme of 'Science and Faith' for the 13th Global Energy Parliament was selected by GEP Founder Jagadguru Swami Isa.

In his inaugural address, Dr. Bose said, “There is nothing called dichotomy between science and spirituality. What is required is a type of understanding of what Swamiji has propagated,” in a reference to Swami Isa’s I-Theory, which promulgates that all matter, force and energy is the manifestation of a single vibration. “From a stage of dependence to independence, the world has reached a stage of interdependence. Anything that happens in the world has global ramifications,” he added.

In his Founder’s Address, Jagadguru Swami Isa stressed that faith and science are neither different entities nor contradictory. He added that self-awareness starts from the “I-thought,” and emphasized that one needs to remove the self-ignorance that is prevalent. He urged society to stop the divisions between the two and to shape our thoughts towards those of unity, seeing that everything is Energy, a manifestation of one Consciousness.

His Excellency, who had been Speaker of the Parliament for 12 years, passed on the gavel to the next Speaker, Dr. Kiran Vyas. The parliament began with the Question Hour, with 20 Ministers and members from more than 15 nations. Submissions were made by Members from various fields of expertise on the theme, and several Resolutions were passed before the ending of the first day.

Read more at GEP 2023