
GEP Education Policy "Should Be Read By Each Minister Around the Globe" Says Belgium
17 June 2023

World leaders are appreciating the GEP’s proposal of a Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness.

The Speaker of the Parliament, Dr. Kiran Vyas, and the Secretary of the Parliament, Dr. M.R. Thampan have sent copies of the 127-page policy proposal to every government around the world, and the responses are beginning to come in.

“The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness should be read by each Minister all around the globe,” wrote Caroline Desir, Minister for Education for Wallonie-Bruxelles, Belgium. “The promotion of human values and of a peaceful world education [in the policy] has been at the core of the policies implemented as a Minister as well as my political and personal commitments.”

Austria’s Federal Chancellery was also in agreement with the principals of a global education policy and pointed out that “education, higher education and research systems can only operate successfully and develop their full potential in international cooperation.”

Colombia’s Minister for Education wrote that “This will undoubtedly be a great contribution to education.”


Images of the letters:

Colombia Letter Austria letter