
Meeting with UNESCO
19 September 2018

The GEP Speaker, Dr. CV Ananda Bose met the Director of UNESCO, Mr. Eric Falt, in New Delhi on September 19th. They shared views on the role of education and science in sustainable development and peace. 

Dr. Bose presented GEP’s commitment to meeting the objectives of UNESCO in education as well as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through our programs and actions. 

“Science in the GEP is interpreted in such as way that the essential oneness between the subjective and objective is brought out,” said Dr. Bose. “There is no dichotomy between the two. When every person, from the government official to the common man, can understand this oneness, great advances will be made in peace, sustainability and knowledge.”

He presented the Director with Swami Isa’s book on “Education for Total Consciousness,” the practical teaching methodology to bridge objective and subjective learning in the classrooms.